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Alma Lesch

Born in McCracken county, Kentucky in 1917, Alma Lesch began working with fiber from an early age, stitching panels for quilts. She learned embroidery from her mother and grandmother, going on to sew some of her own clothing. Lesch is considered an innovator in contemporary craft for her ability to attribute meaning to traditional methods of piecing and quilting, creating complex narrative works with what was a strictly utilitarian medium. She was recognized as a Master Craftsman by the World Craft Council in 1974.


Related artists in KMAC's collection:

Minnie Adkins, Karen Deaver, Ebony G. Patterson, Geneva Peace


Click to view an archival list of all artists in the collection.


Recurring themes:

Domestic Life, Material Culture


Reference material:

Allen R. Hite Art Institute. Alma Lesch: A Life in Fabric. Louisville: Hite Art Institute, University of Louisville, 2006. 

Carnegie Center For Art & History. Form, Not Function: Quilt Art at the Carnegie, 2004-2013. New Albany, Indiana: Carnegie Center For Art & History, 2013.


715 West Main Street

Louisville, Kentucky 40202



Tuesday - Sunday 10AM - 5PM



Admission to KMAC is free for students and

children thanks to the generous support of our donors .

KMAC is also supported in part by our members,

The Fund for the Arts, and the Kentucky Arts Council.


KMAC celebrates diversity and is committed to intentional, on-going work that fosters equity and facilitates accessibility. KMAC is deeply committed to providing art experiences for everyone. KMAC exists to spark curiosity, inspire meaningful  connections, and foster a deep sense of inclusion, belonging, and purpose that ripples beyond the museum’s walls.

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